Post “Go-Live” Checklists
We want you to be prepared and confident as you move forward so follow our checklists to be sure you’re setting yourself up for success with Ylopo!
✓ 1st New Client Meeting (CSM)
Items to Review:
How to navigate the Ylopo support system
Self Service landing page
Recap of client license and what you’re paying for in addition to lead types
Review of your goals captured in setup
Review top 2 Goals and what you want to accomplish by signing up with Ylopo
Pre schedule coaching call for within 30 days
Discuss daily ‘Go Live Training’ if needed
Pre schedule 30 day checkin
Discuss Ylopo goals to ensure smooth setup completion
(Mass Lead Import, Remarketing Budget, Auto Imports, Homebot, Branded site (if applicable), Training, Confirming RAIYA setup, user access)
✓ 2 week Marketing Check-in
Items to Review:
Review Mission Control Dashboard
Review Ad Areas
Review Ad Campaigns
✓ 2nd New Client Meeting (CSM)
Items to Review:
Discuss lead follow up to prep for coaching call
Discuss lead stat tracking
Discuss lead quality
Discuss RAIYA
Review agent accountability
Review Branded Site Tools and usage
✓ 45 Day PPC Marketing Check-in
Items to Review:
Review PPC report
Review PPC Marketing Areas
Review PPC Ad Campaigns
✓ 60 Day Coaching Call with Ylopo Trainer
Items to Review:
Quick review of readiness
Review lead follow up, smart lists, and daily workflows
Confirm what has been implemented from the training received to-date
Mass Lead Import (Buyers)
Leads must first be in your CRM that is integrated with Ylopo
Leads must have an email address
Decide on Remarketing Strategy:
Initial Listings Alerts Only
Ads Only
Initial Listings Alerts & Ads
✗ Welcome Emails currently disabled. ✗
Import Leads via TAGS or CSV file
Seller Import
Leads must be in your CRM
Leads must have an email address and address
Training Checklist: Post Go Live
✓ Boot Camp Training
This training is designed for new Ylopo clients or clients nearing go-live. This presentation will focus on FUB as the CRM.
✓ Client Office Hours with the Coaches
Our Client Office Hours is a great opportunity for you to interact and learn from real estate pros who have found tremendous results in the Ylopo platform. Ylopo Coaches Matt Croteau, Jim Hill, Chris Phares will lead discussions on the top must-use tools to convert leads to dollars immediately, on scripting, best practices, and more!
✓ System and Product Training Webinars - 30 days post Go Live (Optional)
Mission Control (admin users)
AI Voice 101 & AI Voice 102
✓ Realtors in Residence (RIR) Office Hours (Optional)
Ylopo Success Community with our Realtor’s in Residence. Discuss best practices, tips, tricks, and so much more from Barry, Gabe, Laura, and Livia.