Ylopo Seller Suite Pro

Step into the future of real estate with Ylopo's Seller Suite Pro—an innovative suite of tools designed to revolutionize the way you engage with potential sellers. Imagine having the power to uncover high-intent sellers before they even realize it themselves.

With Seller Suite Pro, you gain access to cutting-edge technology, including an Automated Valuation Model (AVM) report (or a seller report) akin to Zillow's "Zestimate," providing price estimates based on the provided address.

All clients based in the United States have now been migrated to Seller Suite Pro. We are currently in alpha testing for Canadian clients and hope to expand the beta in mid to late May.

What is included in the Seller Suite Pro?

  • A new seller landing page (search.mybrandedsite.com/seller).

  • Stars update to view the estimated value and a link to the report.

  • New, more frequent, Raiya behavioral texts.

  • New seller-focused Priority Alerts.

  • New CRM notes and tags.

Seller Suite Pro Training

Office Hours

Dive into the best practices on utilizing Ylopo’s Seller Suite. Click on the link below for the Seller Suite recorded training.

What do I need to know about Seller Suite Pro?

Marketing Strategist, Ryan Neter, walks through the new Seller Report and how to use it to connect with your database.

Seller Suite Pro Automations

Thoughtfully designed by Barry Jenkins & Gabe Cordova to maximize seller engagement through Ylopo Seller Experience 2.0.
(Note: Make sure to review the triggers, conditions and actions in these automations before turning them on in your account)

Frequently Asked Questions