Working New Leads Best Practices

Scroll down to learn best practices for working new generated leads

CRM Best Practices

Lead Routing: Set up your lead routing in your CRM to route to the appropriate persons, groups, ponds, etc.

IMPORTANT: If utilizing AI Voice, do not change your routing rules without first contacting Ylopo’s AI Voice team at

Action Plans: Set up action plans for your lead sources in your CRM

IMPORTANT: We highly recommend reviewing and editing each action plan as it may have the original creators information.

  • Existing action plans can be found in your CRM’s library

  • Join us on Office hours to see what action plans our Ylopo Coaches use and recommend for new leads

  • Avoid action plans where tasks are created to follow up

Saved filters: Have a saved filter in your CRM to find your new leads

Communication: Call, text, email the lead within the first 5 minutes of the person registering

IMPORTANT: Always communicate through your CRM so the communication is logged and your saved filters stay up to date

  • Conversion rates are 8X higher when calling within the first 5 minutes vs 6+ minutes of a new lead registration

Communication: Continue to call, text, email to get a response from your new lead

  • On average It can take anywhere from 6-14 attempts to get a new lead to respond

  • 7 or more follow-up attempts yields 15% more connections

  • Join us on Office hours to see what techniques our Ylopo coaches use and recommend for new leads

Stage: After the initial communication, update the stage according to when you expect that person to transact or how often you want to communicate with the lead

  • View our recommended stages here

  • Do not change the stage out of lead unless you had communication with that person

  • If using ponds, do not claim the lead from a pond unless you had communication with that person

Background: Add important information you discover about the lead to the background section on the leads profile to reference for future communication such as price range, time frame, home type, preferred communication

Add a note in the notes section can tend to get lost in the leads activity and communication

Action Plans: Make sure the person is on an action plan that is most relevant for them

  • Action plans should not replace agent follow up but should be a strategic part of lead nurture

  • Join us on Office hours to see what action plans our coaches use and recommend for converted leads

Document: Standardize and document your new lead workflow so new team members know the standard operating procedure when they begin working leads in your CRM

Stars Best Practices

Push Listings: Use the push listing tool to hand choose a few relevant properties a lead would be interested in based on their previous property views.

  • Send them via push listing email and/or using the textable push listing link to get new leads to engage and respond. 

  • Example text or email to lead: Greetings %contact_first_name%, I hope you are having a fantastic day! Found these homes that we thought you or someone you know may be interested in <insert push listing link>. On a scale of 1-5, 5 being the best how would you rate these?

Edit Listing Alerts: Go to their Stars profile to adjust property search criteria for their listing alert, if given

  • Leave the listing alert dynamic unless specified by the person

Listing Alert Link: Send listing alert link via a text after speaking with the lead

  • “Here is a link to your custom home search on my home search portal <insert listing alert link>. Please let me know if you need me to adjust any criteria or have any questions on the properties you receive.”

Scripts Best Practices

  1. Call the lead but do not overload them with information or expect them to need your help right away

  2. Thank them for registering on your home search portal

  3. Ask what brought them to your site; are they looking for something specific or are they just window shopping?

  4. Here are some scripting videos and scripting guides if you don’t know how to start or continue the conversation


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